- The Equipments required to expel the full quantity of oil are :
- Oil Expellers
- Solvent Extraction Plant.
- Oil Purification – Degumming & refining :
This process requires Physical & Chemical Refining machineries. Biodiesel can only be produced from RBD (Refined, bleached & degummed oils).
- Transesterification Reactors & Processors :
Transesterfication is a chemical process by which the triglycerides in the oil is separated and the long chain organic acids are converted into their methyl or ethyl esters through a series of reactors, settlers, centrifuge, flash evaporators, neutralisers and dryers to give the end product – Biodiesel.
- Ancillary Storage tanks, Heat Exchangers, Cooling Towers, Thermal oil heaters/ Steam Generators. Gensets etc should be available at site.